This is the most important gear we use. We designed it, over many years and many improvements to tremendously high standards of safety and comfort.We can stay up as long as it takes to do the job. And we can move like monkeys.
You will have to go up at some point - to do a job, save the day, adjust for a winning edge or just for the view. Get the best gear you can. read up, go up often, and early, and be safe.
Aloft - Bosun's Harness - Small
"Imagine a bosun's chair that lets you get higher on the mast, is impossible to fall out of, and allows utter freedom of movement. Imagine further that it has a built-in tether, 3 halyard attachment points, two loops for hanging extra gear from, and a large multi-pocket pouch, the Rigger's Tool Pouch, for cotter pins, small tools, tape and other incidentals. This is a very heavily-padded mountaineer-style harness that we've designed for the demands of yacht rigging. More comfortable, and for longer, than any other harness or chair that we've tried. Brion Toss' dvd "Going Aloft" and instructions for suggested use included.
Medium fits adults 28" - 42"(Measure just above hip bones).
Small fits smaller folks - 24-30 inch waist. We do not make Large.
We do not recommend anyone larger than "Medium" using our harness without a chest harness in addition. (It is a center of gravity issue). And, we do not make a chest harness.

Aloft - Bosun's Harness - Medium
"Imagine a bosun's chair that lets you get higher on the mast, is impossible to fall out of, and allows utter freedom of movement. Imagine further that it has a built-in tether, 3 halyard attachment points, two loops for hanging extra gear from, and a large multi-pocket pouch, the Rigger's Tool Pouch, for cotter pins, small tools, tape and other incidentals. This is a very heavily-padded mountaineer-style harness that we've designed for the demands of yacht rigging. More comfortable, and for longer, than any other harness or chair that we've tried. Brion Toss' dvd "Going Aloft" and instructions for suggested use included.
Medium fits adults 28-42 inches (Measure just above hip bones).
Small fits smaller folks - 24-30 inch waist. We do not make Large.
We do not recommend anyone larger than "Medium" using our harness without a chest harness in addition. (It is a center of gravity issue). And, we do not make a chest harness.

Aloft - Cruisers Harness - Small
Cruiser's Harness....The same great Bosun's Harness - but all the hardware is Stainless Steel - will not corrode or rust. Great for Cruiser's who often are not able to wash and dry out their harness, nor store them in a truly dry place.

Aloft - Cruiser's Harness - Medium
Cruiser's Harness....The same great Bosun's Harness - but all the hardware is Stainless Steel - will not corrode or rust. Great for Cruiser's who often are not able to wash and dry out their harness, nor store them in a truly dry place.

DVD - Going Aloft
"People tend to be either nonchalant about working aloft, or terrified of it. This dvd lays down safety procedures - some obvious - once stated, some subtle - to make leaving the deck a safer, easier exercise. Topics include: chairs & harnesses, deck crew protocol, essential knots & belaying techniques and aspects of mental attitude 60 min. See the 3- and 4-Set dvd Specials for SUPER SAVINGS!"

Book - The Complete Rigger's Apprentice
Considered the standard text on yacht rigging procedures. You can find everything from block selection to rig tuning to basic knots. Other topics include:
- Demystify braided rope splicing
- Load calculations
- Working aloft
- Wire splicing.
Plus everything you need to know to make your rig work. Hardcover pp 392

Aloft - Bosun's Tool Pouch
The same tool pouch we include with our Bosun's Harness. This handy little bag works wonderfully for working aloft or any time your working with small parts or tools too important to lose over the rail.

Gear Keeper Retractor with Snap - Large, 24 oz capacity

Riggers Caribiner
The triple locking pear-shaped carabiner is a must-have item on any cruising vessel. Combined with the carabiner hitch, detailed in Chapman’s Guide to Knots (written by Brion), it is a life saving item when working aloft. These jaws open wider than most and with a little practice you can open it easily with one hand. The carabiner is manufactured by Petzl, is individually tested, and comes with a three year guarantee.

Gear Keeper Retractor with Snap Clip
"This ingenious device is attached to all of our rigging vests as lanyards to just about anything! It has a 60 lb. breaking strength, impact-resistant plastic case, saltwater-proof, compact, and easy to clean. We love these and use them all the time!"

Gear Keeper Retractors with Pin Mount
"This ingenious device is attached to all of our rigging vests as lanyards to just about anything! It has a breaking strength of 60 lb., stainless steel cable with nylon coating, impact-resistent, saltwater-proof, quick connect system, compact, and easy to clean. We love them and use them all the time!"

Gear Keeper Retractor with Velcro Strap
"This ingenious device is attached to all of our rigging vests as lanyards to just about anything! It has a 60 lb. breaking strength, stainless steel cable with nylon coating, impact-resistant, saltwater-proof, quick connect system, compact, and easy to clean. We love them and use them all the time!"
