Winch Winge
This week we have a two-stage puzzle. Answer either stage correctly, and you qualify to win one of our Point Hudson Fids, good for splicing up to 5/8” 3-strand rope, and also for a variety of sizes of braided rope that need tuck splices
Answer both stages correctly and you qualify to win the above Fid and the larger version, good for up to 1 1/8” 3-strand rope, and the larger tuck-splice braids.

Stage One: In the picture above, there is something very wrong, as in could-cause-serious-injury wrong. What is it?
Stage Two: Hang on a moment, it is possible that things are not as bad as we think. What other (obscure) explanation is there that would reduce the problem to an annoying installation error? Hint, old-time racing sailors and their cruising contemporaries will have an advantage in figuring this one out.
If you think you know either or both answers send them to Entries must be in by noon Pacific Time, Monday, July 9th. We will draw the winners at random from the pool of correct entries. Please don’t post your answers on line; if you are right, you will give things away, and if you are wrong you might be needlessly embarrassed.
Computer unpleasantnesses have delayed posting this puzzle. Sorry for the delay.
As always, you might enjoy a stroll through back-issues of this Blog, and through our online Store.
Fair leads,
Brion Toss
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July 1, 2018 @ 5:31 pm
Looks like the starboard winch has the line wrapped around it the wrong way.
Rig Survey Part 1: Surveying the Design – Brion Toss Yacht Riggers
July 7, 2018 @ 7:50 am
[…] you are in the mood for a good rigging puzzle, you can find the current one Here. It’s about […]