It’s a Book!
My new E-book, Falling, is now available for pre-order. You can find it at Amazon, and soon from Apple as well.
Falling is a collection of essays on the topic of working aloft. The stories involve structures, sailboats, and aircraft, but they have in common the challenges of dealing with gravity. Reserve a copy now, okay?
Fair leads,
Brion Toss
August 18, 2018 @ 1:23 pm
Okay! And congratulations! Reserving my copy in between spotty reception and performing artists at the Willamette Country Music Festival because one, it’s worth my last percent of cell battery and two, I’m entirely too far from water! Thank you for all your devotion to your book and sharing it with the rest of us!
August 18, 2018 @ 9:20 pm
August 28, 2018 @ 7:15 pm
Hello again and a huge THANK YOU for the fathom of fancy safety wire! Matt went straight back to Wildflower and, upon safety wiring several shackle pins, discovered another one about to come open.
We’re thinking we should both attend your 3-day workshop in October, and bring Wildflower to you for mast inspection and rigging. Looking at calendars…Let’s talk about it.