“Falling” Format News
Here is a special announcement, for subscribers to my blog. I wanted all of you to hear it first.
It has taken some time to jump through all the hoops, but you can now listen to yours truly read Falling. I know a lot of you have been waiting for this audiobook version. Thank you for your patience. To get your copy visit Amazon. You can also get the ebook version there.
But wait, as they say, there’s more. We now have a second printing of the paperback version of the book. It is less expensive than the first run — $10 instead of $13 — and it is the only format that can come with an autograph. Order it from Catalog@briontoss.com.
Fair leads,
Brion Toss
January 30, 2019 @ 10:04 pm
The master story teller strikes again, if anyone has the chance to listen to Brion speak they should not miss it, he has a way of making most anything interesting even if you were not that interested in it – or so you thought